
By myself, this is impossible. With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Losing Weight in December....

58 pounds!
Well, not all 58 pounds...
Only 8 of those pounds in December.
So far.

I think I'll reach 60 by New Year.

Walking in Freedom is so much more fun
than counting calories, carbs, and fat grams.


  1. that's a good steady weight loss too! I'm sure you will hit 60 pounds by the end of the month!!!


  2. congratulations, Margaret! Losing weight this time of year is impressive.

    Personally, I've done poorly since Thanksgiving. I'm learning that being obedient to counting carbs IS my path to freedom. Rebelling against that hasn't gone so well. :}

    We are called to be free--God has a way for each of us. I'm glad you've found yours and have been so obedient to it. Peter gave me a bit of a talking to today in Chapter 4. It's seriously time for me to deny myself, even tho it hurts.



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