
By myself, this is impossible. With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Monday, December 3, 2012

As promised...

A picture at 50 pounds lost.   This is a much bigger deal to me than it is to you, I am fully aware of that…I don’t like pictures of myself, and I don’t see a huge difference in the two shots…most of what I see, as a matter of fact, is “huge.”   I had hoped the difference would be bigger.

But 50 pounds is 50 pounds, right?   In Wal*Mart the other day, I picked up 40 pounds of potatoes, and it was heavy!   So, the fact that I’ve lost 50 pounds should bring a little excitement.   And it does…for the future.  I have yet to be able to put myself in the position of being excited and happy for me today.   

My daughter chastised me just this morning for not being excited for my progress thus far.  I explained that I’m very grateful, but…as of right now, I don’t think I’m excited.

I am excited at the prospect of going to Florida with her next spring (even though I don’t care for sand).  I am excited for the coming summer because I know I’ll be more active and able to do more.  I’m excited for next fall when I go back to the Great Smoky Mountains, and perhaps do a few of the hikes I haven’t bothered to try before…on and on…excitement for tomorrow, but none for today. (All of my plans above are contingent on the Lord being willing.)

I have to say, though, that it’s exciting to be excited for the future.  

It’s not a weight thing.   I have already learned that my happiness comes from within...that is, from Him living within me.  My size doesn't change who I am, but it does change how I react to life.   I want abundant life!  Not a life where I sit on the sidelines and watch it all pass me by, making myself content with watching, lost in my fantasy world where I’m not the person I am in reality, but what I could have been..if only… 

So being excited for the future is enough for me now.   I’m grateful for each and every pound that melts away, grateful that I can already feel a difference health-wise, though slight, it’s there.   I am free, and I am…grateful.

But the biggest thing of all…the biggest change of all…is my walk with God.  I am making an effort to get to know Him, really know Him.   I don’t always spend as much time as I should in His Word, but I’m learning to lean on Him, trust him, know Him.  And I am going to make an even better effort daily renew my mind.  This is a thought I can be excited about TODAY.   

The picture on the left from is today; the right was taken in June.
Not a real big difference, is there?


  1. I can see a BIG difference. Really, I can. I knew the one of the left was the later picture right away, even tho, ordinarily, the later picture would be on the right. (I didn't read the caption until after I looked at the photos.)

    As far as feeling excited. Uh-hmm. Re-read the posts on this particular blog. They're overflowing with excitement. Perhaps, you've forgotten...

    I'll be going to GSM in May of 2013. Lord willing and if the creeks don't rise.


    1. It could be that the day before this post I was given an award at work and they were asking for a picture to post on the webpage. I had Ole Boy snap uh-lot of pictures...I hated every one of them. Couldn't see that I looked any better than I did 3 months ago...I don't know. Lots of things. Right now, I can't remember being excited. Maybe I should go back and reread!

  2. It is a HUGE difference Meg! Really, I can see it. That's 50 pounds since August. That is a major accomplishment!!! Honestly, I can see it in your face for sure and in your arms. The wonderful thing is you are continuing to be free with your eating, you are growing closer to Jesus, and you are starting to plan some exciting things for the new year that include potential things you wouldn't have considered or been able to do a few short months ago. That is all awesome!!! And you got to 50 pounds before Christmas!!!


  3. not only am i excited for you for the present, i'm excited for the future, too! and....girl....there is a bigggg change in the 2 pix!!


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