
By myself, this is impossible. With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Speaking of Obedience...

This blog, of course, is all my own opinions, my own experiences and missteps, and my stepping stones in learning this new way of life for me.

When I speak of obedience, I simply mean (when referring to losing weight) not being a glutton.   If I continue to shovel in food when I’m already full, I am being disobedient.   When it comes to eating pizza or chips, it’s a choice.  Eating those things are not sinful, neither is eating sugar.   However, when I make the choice to eat those things, I will reap the consequences in that I may be fighting the urge to eat, eat, eat that night and into the next day.  (When it comes to eating sugar, that would be DEFINITELY fighting, not “may be fighting.”)

I haven’t had refined sugar (candy, cake, pie, etc) since August 13.   I have had sugar free candy, and twice I have eaten Pizza.  I have eaten chips three…possibly four…different times.   I noticed when I ate tortilla chips at the Mexican restaurant, I did feel the old familiar nagging to eat…anything…just eat.   When I ate a few Muncho chips with my barbeque (no bun), I did not notice any cravings.   When I ate peanut butter on whole wheat, I didn’t feel the cravings; when I ate pizza, I did, though it was slight. 

Even when I figure out I can eat certain items with no ill effects, that doesn’t mean I do it often.  Partly because of fear of going out of control (I shouldn’t fear…but sometimes I do worry), and partly because I want to keep my carb count low so that I will lose weight faster.   I do not count every carb that goes into my mouth.   I guess-timate, and because of years of counting calories/carbs/fat grams/fiber, etc., etc., I am largely (no pun intended) familiar with what the carbier items are.  I eat small portions of fruit and vegetables, though I usually stay away from higher carb fruits and veggies such as bananas and corn.  I do occasionally eat lightly breaded (with cornmeal) fried fish.   

This morning, I am at 49 pounds lost.

I am grateful.


  1. Well, that makes things a lot clearer. Thanks. Deb

  2. I do understand what you are saying Meg. I was thinking about this when you started to share this journey with us a few months back. The freedom (and I think I got this somewhat right) is that you are not constantly eating, being consumed by food rather than you consuming food to sustain yourself, and by avoiding refined sugar you have that freedom. Did I get any of this right, LOL :)

    Very close to 50 gone!



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