
By myself, this is impossible. With Christ, all things are possible. From impossible to Godpossible.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday Update

I'm creeping up on 50 pounds....I'm at 48 pounds down this morning.
While I have still had no sugar,
I have had plenty of carbs.
Including Pizza.
Chips and salsa....

I have found, though, that when I choose to eat those things,
Weight loss really slows down.
But, I can't realistically think I'll never eat such things again.
I can realistically think that I don't ever have to eat sugar bombs again, however.
No sugary cereal.  No candy, cakes, pies or donuts.
But the main thing
Is remembering
Where my help comes from....

And it's not me doing my thing
Or watching every calorie, fat gram, or carb
It's me trusting HIM.
Me being obedient.
Me doing my part...trusting Him.
Being thankful.
Learning to lean.


  1. Like I said, it is a learning experience on what works and what doesn't. And you are right, it is unrealistic to realize you won't eat any more carbs for the rest of your life; but seeing how it affects the result that you want, which is weight loss (and in time weight maintenance) I'm sure you are careful in picking what carbs you will decide to eat. Good for you for being so close to 50 (pounds that is, not age). Can't wait to see pictures!


  2. clearly, we all have a different road. That's the good news, and the ad.

    If I had eaten pizza and chips and salsa, I couldn't also say that I was being obedient. If I ate fried fish, french fries and hush puppies, I couldn't say I felt like I was slipping...I'd have to say that dove off the path.

    It would be nice if there were a one size fits all obedience plan. Or maybe not. I don't really like hush puppoes. :}

    I know is that God knows the way in which we should walk, and He'll lead us there. And we'll learn what we need to learn along the way. I know that every pain has a purpose, but I'll tell you the truth, Margaret, I'd much rather be announcing my weight loss victory than proclaiming the lesson to be learned from defeat, that's for sure.

    I know that you're grateful for where you are now and that it took you awhile to gt here. We're both on our way to becoming better pots. (But I do so like you're kiln ever so much better than mine right now.)

    Congratulations on your loss and the approaching milestone.


    1. I hope that I don't sound like I have it all figured out, either in my comments or in my blog. I sure don't. There are days when I think I am close to falling...and that's usually when I've had such things as pizza, and chips. I don't do it often, but when I do, it seems I want to eat for no reason that night and even into the next day. I feel...weakened.

      Saturday, I was talking to God as I was getting dressed for bed, and I told Him that I felt that I could so easily fall and be back in the same trap. A mere snap of the fingers. I felt like it could be just that easy. Certainly, I wasn't on a binge, it was a mental thing. That night, I dreamed a dream...and he showed me, again, that He has already paid the price for my freedom.

      Maybe when I say "freedom," yet then speak of avoiding sugar, it doesn't sound like freedom? I thought that myself...but the very freedom that I craved and begged for all these many years happens when I stay off sugar. I can eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full. I can seriously look at all the desserts to which I was once enslaved and not be tempted. High carby items (pizza and chips) can end up reminding me what it was like, so I know that sugar is indeed a battle I never want to face again. I am trying to be sure to never, ever go that route again.

      While I still "preach freedom," I do realize that each of us is different, and that sometimes it's way more complicated, as it is with you. I really hope I'm not coming across as being condescending..thinking that I've "got it" and the rest of the world doesn't. I remember the years of struggle and failure, repeat, repeat repeat. I fully understand that I must take it one day at a time, and when I make questionable or bad choices, I'm going to face the reckoning for it. But that doesn't mean I'm not free. It simply means that I sowed the seeds that I knew were questionable, and I'm reaping. Then I have to back up to square One. Backing up isn't always easy...but God helps me.


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